Fabric Postcard

picture of fabric postcard with various surface design techniques









I really enjoy making fabric postcards.  You have nothing to lose when working small – and the payoff, when you get something you like, is an immediately useful little piece of art that you can keep in a folder for reference for making larger pieces, or you can use it by sending it to someone.  You can add stitching – by hand or machine – or not. What could be more personal?

This postcard is for a colleague at work who has been a great support to me when we had some difficult things to get done and we both felt like tearing our hair out.  She confided once that what she REALLY wanted to do was be a park ranger.  So my farewell gift to her is this little card.

I painted the fabric with paints,and sun-printed with gum leaves from my garden.  The quote and walking boots are from thermofax screens I made.

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